I love His Bride

My journey of discovery into the wonderful entity that is the Church, His Bride. God is shaking and challenging my concept of Church, with the wide variety of expressions that are arising. So I thought that if I have to struggle with it the world can too.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

It's time to start

As I have been reading some of my friends blogs, I felt that it is now time for me to join this phenomena known as blogging. Also I feel that I need a place to voice my thoughts about His bride, the Church, as it is something thatis dear to my heart. This has been started by seeing a book in the local Christian bookstore called "Becoming Conversant with the Emerging church". I saw this and wonder what is the "emerging church"? I tried to find an answer by quickly glancing through this book, to no avail. But this has started me on this journey, and I feel that alot of things are going to be challenged and shaken. So it is with great trepidation that I take my first few steps of discovery into the beautiful and the mysterious.


  • At 1:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hi Brett!
    It's Niina from a remote Northern land. Good to read that you're on the same journey of finding out how to be church today, remember talking with you about this stuff on January. Maybe you'd be interested to check out these:http://marcsmessages.typepad.com/ and http://www.cellchurch.info/articles.htm.
    Blessings to the Down under!

  • At 12:32 AM, Blogger Petra said…

    Great that you have started a blog too! Be blessed.


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